Moving .DAT files to another P.C.

How to Move .DAT files to another PC for printing out a recording list or building templates.

A. INITIAL SETUP: Placing the proper directories and .exe files in your destination P.C.

1. Insert floppy disk in drive A of your source computer (P.C. with the files you want to print).
2. Copy the files PLOADSPT.EXE, PLOADMUS.EXE and PLOADLIN.EXE to the A drive. From a DOS prompt, type COPY PLOAD*.EXE A: {Enter}. (Windows users may use 'Windows Explorer' or other utility to copy the files to the A drive.)
3. Go to the destination P.C. (the one with the printer)
4. From the root directory, create directories AMATE and AMDATA. DOS USERS: Type CD.. until you are at the root (C:>). Then type MD AMATE {Enter} followed by MD AMDATA{Enter}. WINDOWS USERS: Create AMATE and AMDATA in your root directory using Windows Explorer.
5. Take floppy disk and copy the files you placed on the diskette to the AMATE directory. DOS Users type: COPY A:\*.* C:\AMATE {Enter}


1. Place a floppy disk in your Auto-Mate P.C. containin the files to be printed.
2. Go to the AMDATA directory (From DOS type CD\AMDATA {Enter}from the root directory.
3. When in AMDATA, type COPY *.DAT A:\. Wait for all files to copy.
4. Move the floppy to the printer equipped P.C.
5. From A:> Prompt, type COPY *.DAT C:\AMDATA. Wait for the files to copy.
6. Go to the AMATE directory.
7. To print Spots, type PLOADSPT {Enter}
8. To print Music, type PLOADMUS {Enter}
9. To print Liners, type PLOADLIN {Enter}

You will need to delete all existing .DAT files in the destination P.C.'s AMDATA directory each time before pulling in new files to get a print listing. If you don't, old files that have been deleted on your main Auto-Mate system will remain and be printed. To delete files on your Printer Equipped (Destination) P.C., go to AMDATA directory and type DEL *.DAT {Enter} or send these items to your recycle bin from Windows. WARNING: BE VERY CAREFUL ANYTIME YOU EXECUTE A DELETE COMMAND - BE SURE YOU ARE IN THE PROPER DIRECTORY [ AMDATA in the Destination P.C.]. DO NOT DELETE .DAT FILES THIS WAY FROM YOUR MAIN Auto-Mate P.C!!!
