Version 3.0 Simple-Sat Bug - and Fix


There is a known problem for some users who are not utilizing a relay card with their software. This problem causes the options display within Satellite Playback Mode to appear to be blank. Please follow these instructions to ensure full visibility of features while using Satellite Playback Mode.

You will only need to perform this procedure once.

1. From the Main Menu, Select <F9> - Utilities
2. Select <F1> Relay Card Initial Setup
3. Select <F9> Set Relay Card Operations
4. Select <F1> Relay Card Initial Setup
5. Press <F1> and <Y> to save the file (c:\amtemplt\basedata.dta)

Now, all options will appear in Satellite Playback Mode.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Please save these instructions for use should you need to perform a complete re-install of the software. A fix is scheduled.


John L. Zolkoske