The world is not interested in our religion.

The world is not interested in our religion. That outward shell we put around ourselves, that we say some how makes us better than them. The eyes of this world can see through the falseness of religion. It is only the religious (self-pious) who are fooling themselves. What the lost need to see is Christ. The modern church has displayed everything but Christ to the world. The Glory of Christ is in us but if you seek to enclose him in a shell, then all you have is a dead mans religion, a snuffed out flame. WAKE UP CHURCH and quit playing at your religious duties---they have no value. Follow the way of Christ who for the joy set before him endured the cross. You must also endure the cross to find that Joy, there is where the Kingdom of God lies and that's what the world needs to see. Christ did not come to show that religious traditions and Godliness are the same thing, but that Godliness can set you free from religion. If you embrace Christ and follow him with all your heart the world will see him. Christ in you will have an effect on people not you imitating Christ by outward religion. Seek the inward life, all changes in the Kingdom of God are an inward work first, then they bare outward fruit. This fruit is the Fruit of Life.

Romans 8:29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son.