What Ground on which to Stand?

God in His mercy and in these last days is opening up understanding of Scripture to His people. The revelations through the apostles, prophets, and members of His body witnesses to the heart seeking after God and willing to lay down the traditions of men. Those most ready to hear are those who understand fully that Paul's abolition to not say, "I am of Apollos, I am of Cephas" is a clear picture of our denominational walls. God by His mercy and grace has flowed through and used every channel to bring many to Himself and an understanding of the Gospel though imperfect institutions and imperfect men as we all are. What then, should we stay in these drying riverbeds when God has a better plan in His Word?

It is clear in Scripture there are two bases for our unity. The first is the universal body of Christ. From Ephesians four: "There is one body, and one spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, through all, and in you all." (KJV)

The second is the local fellowship of believers which is everyone in the locality who names the name of Jesus. We are one on this basis and in reality by the Word of God, and the testimony of our hearts if we are open. This sub-group is called together for our earthly journey, for in the heavenlies even now in the spirit, and certainly in the resurrection, we are all one. Our current physical bodies limit those we are able to commune with, though our technology expands our network.

Membership in this local body of believers is automatic and non-negotiable. We are one with one another whether we see it, doctrinally believe it, or want it. God wants us to see it, believe it, and want it.

In prayer for a local body of believers this prophecy was received and judged to be true:

"You have waited for me. I am coming ... soon.
Be ready in your hearts, in your pocketbooks, in your own way.
Wait for the time is coming.
Seek my face and my people. MY PEOPLE

This work of unity is of course God's. He is sovereignly moving on believers' hearts to bring about this unity. It is as sure as a rising flood. At some point, "the ducks will begin to swim together when the water rises above the fences." As always He is using believers to speak the truth in love to one another. Those who have not been listening closely to the heart of God for themselves may first know of these things through anointed messages or casual conversation or a revelation through the reading of Scripture. When this truth is fully understood, stand on it.

Stand on it for the sake of your own heart, that you will not be deceived. Stand on it for the sake of the unbeliever who will come to know Jesus Christ because, "Behold how they love one another," extends beyond man-made walls. Stand on it for the love of God, for the glory of His name, for the formation of His Bride.

Many parachurch groups were called into being for specific roles over many years. Most were for the presentation of the Gospel: Salvation Army, YWAM, Christian Women's Club, Youth for Christ, Aglow, Prison Fellowship. Most of the founders would gleefully add other dimensions, but none would deny this central message: Salvation.

Yet these groups have also been instrumental in bringing unity to the body of Christ. Over time they have brought people into a neutral ground of common doctrine for the work of the ministry. People have risen above the fences and developed strong bonds of love across minor differences. The Lord God has formed many lively stones for his temple in these quarries. He is on the verge of fitting them together into his holy temple, "Behold the tabernacle of God is with men."

Paul in Ephesians uses the metaphor of the body. The verse on being fitly jointed together nicely connects to the metaphor of the building, as do the verses on "edifying" or "building up" which refer to a building.

Over two years a slowly changing vision has presented itself. It is a building site. The beginning picture was of the foundation excavation. It was dug into the earth with straight sides. The roots of the surrounding flora were still evidenced in the sides of the excavation. The next time the ground within the excavation was smoothed out. Level. Ready. The Lord said, "Don't step on it, don't say you believe it unless you live it. You'll mess it up." We know the foundation is Jesus Christ. What other "building" are you standing in/on?

My heart cries for the lonely pastors standing isolated in buildings, not recognizing their probable position as elders in the local body. Many city-wide prayer groups and ministerial associations have begun to breach these walls. Taking a city for God also means bringing unity to the body of believers in that city.

God's picture of the Church in the New Testament has God's people meeting primarily in homes. As the Church is restored, when He returns He will find most of His people meeting in homes. Meanwhile, until then, as He brings it about, be aware of the delicious place on which to stand the home fellowship provides as we pray and move within the vision of the one local Church and the one Body of Christ.

In the natural there is less need to preserve identification with the group in home fellowships because there is no need for financial support of a building or a clergy. Yet spiritual pride and our human nature can do what money cannot to build a wall or separate identity. Any given home fellowship is not necessarily closer to recognizing that common ground of the local Church than any given church building congregation. When the truth of the unity of the body of local believers is recognized, however, the home fellowship is a good place for the individual to pray rightly and move rightly: to pray freely and often for all believers, especially the elders in the locality, to move freely among other groups, to point new believers to the one Body of Christ Jesus. The home fellowship is good ground on which to stand to discern The ground on which we stand.

God is beginning to place stones together in the vision of the foundation excavation. He is building a people of power. Are you on the right ground for the current move of God?


Jean Moule email: moulej@ucs.orst.edu