315 SE Fir Villa
Dallas, OR

Located near
Downtown Dallas off
Dallas-Rickreal Hwy
at the Flashing
Yellow Signal


$5 per person
Ages 4 and up
3 and Under Free
$20 Min Vehicle Charge

1 to 4 people = $20
5 or more = $5 each

Fox Theatre
Dallas, OR

Pix Theatre
Albany, OR

Star Cinema
Stayton, OR



The Motor Vu Drive In

The Drive In was just built. Notice the screen. It was built in the proper format of the day
with a black border painted around it for a nice clean edge.

Later, when Cinemascope arrived, the screen was redone in the new wide screen format. The material for the screen back then was the same material that is in the bottom dark
section of today, but, the screen material that is used today is corrugated sheets of tin roofing material.

Also, notice the back few rows were not finished. They put a Go-Cart track in for a few years until the attendance was at capacity. Then they removed the track and created the rest of the rows to fit more cars.

There was also a woodend fence built around the property. It had to be painted every 3 years. The screen (front and back) also had to be painted using various mechanisms with pulleys, scafolding and ladders. It was a lot of hard work.

They also built a house to live in after this photo was taken. It is at the entrance to the Drive In.

Also, notice the snack bar. It later had an addition built on the back to expand the snack bar for more needed space. You can see the addition in later photo's.




© 2007-2014 Motor Vu Drive-In

Movie Poster images are copyright by the associated movie studio
Movies, Dates and Showtimes Subject to Change
Movie Passes Not Accepted From Regal, Carmike or Prestige